Saturday 27 June 2020

How Cosmetic Gum Surgery can help transform your smile and restore lost tissues?

Your teeth are the main attraction of your smile but your gums are equally important as they support your teeth and make your smile attractive. If your gums are unhealthy and not in line with your teeth, they may appear too small or too large. As a result, it leads to gummy smile due to the coverage of too much surface of your teeth by gum tissues. All the problems related to gum diseases can be corrected with the help of Cosmetic Gum Surgery in Plymouth. It is a surgical procedure that makes the use of lasers and scalpels to reshape and recontour the gum line.

Cosmetic Gum Surgery Plymouth

Cosmetic gum treatment can make your smile more attractive by restoring the health and function of your gums. Before undergoing Cosmetic Gum Surgery in Plymouth, it is important to know whether you are an ideal candidate for this procedure.

Know about the Cosmetic Gum Treatment eligibility

Your dentist will undergo a thorough examination of your gums and figure out how far the gum has receded. Your doctor will clean the roots properly. He will prescribe you antibiotics to prevent further bacterial growth. These medications tend to decrease the size of your loose gum pockets around the teeth that will be helpful during the further process. 

Poor Hygiene or Underlying medical condition: Gum disease occurs if you forget to floss regularly. Depending on your tooth condition and gum recession, your dentist will set up a plan for the Cosmetic Gum Treatment in Plymouth and briefly discuss with you the complete procedure during and after the surgery. 

Smoking is one of the major reasons which can lead to gum recession and even worsen this problem. With the advancement in dentistry, the application of laser proves to be successful in treating gum diseases with less painful technique and in short recovery time. 

Cosmetic Reasons: If you are born with uneven gums, don’t worry. You can get your gums reshaped, including:

  • The teeth that look small and stubby
  • Gummy Smile
  • An uneven gum line that makes teeth look uneven
The use of LipStaT Cosmetic Gum Treatment in Plymouth is being used to rectify gummy smile in the patients with an excess, short, and hypermobile upper lip. It is considered a permanent treatment to increase lip volume and to correct asymmetrical smile. 

In closing!!

If you are looking for the Cosmetic Gum Surgery in Plymouth, make sure you choose the best dentist in the industry in Plymouth. Experienced and board-certified surgeons are the ones who can meet all your needs related to gum treatment. 

Tuesday 2 June 2020

5 common FAQs about dental implants

Tooth loss can be a frustrating experience. It not only makes chewing difficult but also affects your appearance. Earlier, the only solution to a tooth loss was dental bridges or dentures if there are multiple teeth loss. However, thanks to the advancement in medical science and technology, you no longer have to rely on bridges or dentures. 

Dental Implants Treatmet Plymouth

A dental implant is a new and advanced alternative to missing, damaged, or injured teeth. Dental implants are made of titanium or titanium alloys that are placed into your jawbone to give it stability. A dental crown is then placed on top of the implant to give it a more natural look. If you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth because of root resorption, failed root canal, an injury, periodontal disease, or decay, dental implants treatment in Plymouth is an ideal option for you. 

If you have decided to undergo dental implants but have some doubts, we are here to help. We are discussing the five most common questions about dental implants. 

Are dental implants surgery safe?
Dental implants are completely safe. In fact, it is one of the safest teeth replacement procedures that also stimulates the jawbone beneath it. However, the success of your dental implants depends a lot on the experience and expertise of your dentists. Make sure you get quality dental implants services in Plymouth by a well-renowned and experienced dental surgeon. 

Who is a good candidate for dental implants? 
Almost anyone with a missing tooth and good health is an ideal candidate for dental implants. However, before recommending dental implants, your dental surgeon will examine your mouth and jawbone to comprehend whether your jawbone is sturdy and strong enough to hold a dental implant. If your jawbone lacks the strength it requires for implants, don’t be disheartened. There are many ways to improve your bone. Just consult with your dental surgeon to find out which is the best option for you. 

How much dental implants cost?
Well, dental implants are quite expensive due to the technique, equipment, and material used. It is often covered by your dental insurance. However, the amount covered may vary depending on your needs, your location, and bone quality. If your dentist accepts dental insurance, you can always discuss your options with her. 

How durable are dental implants? 
Dental implants are very long-lasting. The average lifespan of a dental implant is usually 10-15 years. With proper care and maintenance, they may last more than 15 years. 

How should I care for dental implants? 
Caring for dental implants is no different than maintaining your natural teeth. Regular brushing and flossing twice a day and occasional teeth cleaning are enough to extend their lifespan. 

Dental implants are a great alternative for missing teeth. If your dentist recommends dental implantsservices in Plymouth, don’t think twice. 

Wednesday 13 May 2020

4 important things to know about dental implants

Tooth loss is a frustrating problem. It not only affects the functioning of your teeth but also ruins your overall appearance. Fortunately, today you can get dental implants services in Plymouth to replace your missing, misshapen, or damaged teeth. Unlike dentures and bridges, they do not cause discomfort or any pain. 

dental implants

Here are a few important things you should know about dental implants. 

  • They aid in preserving healthy teeth 
Maintaining oral health can be difficult, especially you are a smoker, love drinking coffee or wine. These habits can cause severe damage to your teeth such as tooth decay and cavities. One damaged tooth can damage all your teeth. However, if you replace your damaged tooth with a dental implant, you can save your other teeth. Since it is an artificial tooth, it scarcely attracts germs and prevents it from spreading to other teeth. 

  • The Dental implants procedure saves money in the long run 
Needless to mention, dental implants are quite expensive. They, of course, require considerable investment by the patient. However, unlike dentures and bridges, they can save you money in the long run. They not only look and feel like your natural teeth but also functions like one. They don’t require extensive care or upkeep. Just regular brushing and flossing are enough to extend their lifespan. This means it is worth every penny spent. 

  • Prevent bone loss
To undergo dental implants procedure in Livonia, the dental surgeon examines your jawbone first to ensure that it is strong enough to hold an implant. However, if it is weak, a surgeon may suggest bone enhancing treatment such as sinus lift or bone augmentation. This helps in making your jawbone strong. So dental implants help prevent bone loss. 

  • Dental implants can be placed in a single appointment 
Yes, thanks to the advancement in dental implants technology, it has become easier to place dental implants in a single appointment. However, a dental implant is implanted into the jawbone and thus requires some time to fuse with the bone before finishing it with a crown. How much time it requires for the implants to fuse in the bone depends on one person to another. 

To know whether you are the right candidate for dental implants or not, get in touch with an experienced dental surgeon today. 

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Why there is a need for Prophylaxis Teeth Cleaning?

A beautiful smile is the first thing that is noticed by the people around you. It is the reflection of your confidence and self-esteem. However, many people hesitate to smile due to their gum related problems. Moreover, lack of treatment can make the condition even worse. Periodontal Dentist in Livonia plays a very crucial role in maintaining that beautiful smile on your face. 

Prophylaxis teeth cleaning

The periodontal dentist makes use of the latest technique for the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease. Periodontal diseases are gum disease that can lead to painful chewing problems, bleeding gums, and even tooth loss. It is often caused by poor brushing and flossing habits that allow the plaque to accumulate on the teeth and get harden. The degree of this accumulation varies depending on the diet and lifestyle.

As the plaque hardens, it becomes very difficult to remove with a normal toothbrush and dental floss. Therefore, it arises the need for prophylaxis teeth cleaning Services in Livonia to prevent your gums and teeth from such a condition. 

Let’s learn more about the Prophylaxis Teeth Cleaning

Prophylaxis is the medical term used in dentistry for a cleaning appointment. In order to prevent the teeth and gums from the progression of periodontal disease, it becomes necessary for prophylaxis to thoroughly clean the teeth that involve a polishing technique to prevent it.

Periodontal dentist in Livonia follows the cleaning process with the use of the special instruments to remove hardened plaque accumulated on the teeth. At the next stage, teeth have to be polished to prevent gum diseases. Deep cleaning is done when there is a possibility of irritation of the gums due to the higher level of bacteria and plaque formed beneath the gum line. 

Prophylaxis teeth cleaning services in Livonia are required even with careful brushing and flossing, especially in the areas that are difficult to reach. They make use of advanced techniques for tooth scaling, tooth polishing, and debridement if too much plaque has been formed on the surface.  

In Closing
If you are looking for the Prophylaxis teeth cleaning services in Livonia, make sure you choose a well-renowned professional who is certified in the field. Also, the one who has years of experience, provide a 100% success ratio, and meets the patient’s surgical and administrative needs effectively. 

Friday 10 April 2020

Different Types Of Dental Implants Treatment You Can Choose From

We all want our smiles to be beautiful and healthy. When we see any imperfection in our teeth, we quickly explore cosmetic and dental treatments to fix those issues. Tooth loss can greatly impact the appearance of your smile. Today, missing teeth is a common issue. But what is the permanent dental solution for the people of Livonia

dental implants treatment

Well, it is dental implants treatment from a renowned and qualified dentist. 

What are dental implants?
Dental implants is a procedure done to replace the missing teeth. A titanium screw is placed over the bone of your tooth to provide support for the artificial teeth. Dental implants look like natural teeth and function just like your original teeth.

People can choose from various types of dental implants treatments. Many times, your dentist can help better to find which option is right for you based on your specific needs and dental conditions. 

Here are 2 major types of dental implants used by people from Plymouth:

Endosteal implant: It is the most commonly used procedure that is placed into the jawbone which is under our gums. A titanium screw-like thing is placed so that it can hold the artificial teeth.

Subperiosteal dental implant: This type of dental implants are placed on the top of the jawbone and under the gums. Dentists recommend this to people who don’t have healthy jawbone to make the procedure successful.  

They can undergo a bone augmentation procedure that helps rebuild the jawbone and restore the natural one. In some cases where the natural jaw bone has degenerated, a sinus lift can be used to add bone below the sinus.

In Conclusion
Dental implant treatment is one of the safest surgical procedures opted by millions of people in America. A well-experienced and renowned dental surgeon should perform the dental implant surgery if you are considering this dental treatment for restoring your smile. People of Livonia who are thinking of undergoing dental implants treatment should also check its requirements. 

Friday 6 March 2020

Scaling and root planing: Here’s what you need to know!

According to the American Dental Association, roughly half of adults over 30 develop a serious gum disease “chronic periodontitis”. With this number, it becomes even more crucial to stick to your regular brushing and flossing routine and stay up-to-date with your visit to a dental clinic. If you fail to do so, the consequences may be severe.

Therefore, if you’re lately missing out on your dental appointments and facing difficulty in sticking to your oral hygiene practices, then your dentist might recommend a scaling and root planing. Most people feel intimidated when they hear scaling and root planing for the first time. But it is nothing more than a non-surgical deep cleaning below the gum line, which helps in treating gum disease like periodontics.

Before you start searching for the best dentist that offers scaling and root planing in Michigan, here’s what you need to know about the procedure.

scaling and root planing in Michigan

What is scaling and root planing?

Scaling and root planing, commonly known as deep cleaning, is performed to remove plaque and bacteria at the early stages of gum disease. Once your dentist removes the bacteria and plaque, the next step is polishing your teeth to smoothen the surface and eradicate any stains. In this procedure, your dentist will not only remove tartar and plaque from the tooth surface but also below the gumline. Hence, it is called deep cleaning.

What are the benefits of scaling and root planing?
  • It is non-surgical and for some people, it may become necessary to undergo scaling and root planing.
  • Once the bacteria and plaque are removed, the tenderness in your gum and chronic tenderness will be reduced.
  • You will not only get rid of active infection in your mouth but also have breath that will feel fresher than before.
Who should undergo scaling and root planing?
Usually, a scaling and root planing procedure is recommended to individuals with signs of chronic periodontal disease. In this condition, the bacteria in plaque result in pulling the gums away from the teeth, which further causes the growth of large pockets between the gums and teeth. When it comes to scaling and root planing, this procedure can effectively eradicate plaque and bacteria and leaves your mouth healthy and infection-free.
In closing
Gum disease is preventable. With good oral hygiene and undergoing scaling and root planing in Michigan, you can definitely stop the fear of painful, chronic periodontal disease.

Friday 21 February 2020

Why You Should Consider Dental Implants For Restoring Your Smile?

When it comes to missing teeth, dental implants are the only method available to replace them with artificial ones. The teeth replacement method replaces your roots and crown with natural-looking teeth that are not only strong enough to eat but lasts for a long time.

In the past, dentists used removable dentures or fixed bridges to restore the smile as they were the only options available at that time. People still remember how much trouble it was to maintain those dentures and bearing the pain during the procedure. Thankfully, this is not the case now. Dental implants are a better and permanent option for restoring your smile after teeth loss, providing a minimally invasive treatment.

In the following paragraphs, we will come to know why a dental implant is so popular among people:
  • Dental implants give you the teeth that look and feel natural
This is certainly the most popular reason why patients choose them for their tooth replacement. While restoring your smile or getting teeth replacement, people have this concern that their smile might look artificial. But dental implants offer a more natural-looking smile with functional benefits. They look just like your real teeth and also perform like your natural teeth. Since the metal or frames are attached to the bone level, they function just like the real teeth.
  • Implants are performed to replace the roots of your missing tooth
In the tooth replacement cases, the roots of your teeth become ideal or voided. This creates a problem, which can lead to jawbone’s density loss or mass loss over time. But dental implants focus on getting attached to the bone level by putting a metal surgically positioned on the bone. And then crown onto it. This makes your brain duping that root is present for the teeth. So the new bone tissue continues growing around the implant to support a healthy jawbone. With Dental implants, a healthy relationship is created between a metal and a bone.
  •  Implants make eating easier
Dental implants allow you to enjoy a variety of foods as you will experience the most reliable and strong chewing function. Get dental implants, and eat what you want to eat. No restrictions now! In addition, it is one of the best teeth replacement options available than other options to chew the way you want. As said earlier, their function is also like natural teeth, so enjoy eating anything without worrying about sensitivity or the pain.

Wrap up!

Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, they have the highest success rate and can last for a lifetime. However, you need to take proper care and maintenance of dental implants you have received.