Friday, 6 March 2020

Scaling and root planing: Here’s what you need to know!

According to the American Dental Association, roughly half of adults over 30 develop a serious gum disease “chronic periodontitis”. With this number, it becomes even more crucial to stick to your regular brushing and flossing routine and stay up-to-date with your visit to a dental clinic. If you fail to do so, the consequences may be severe.

Therefore, if you’re lately missing out on your dental appointments and facing difficulty in sticking to your oral hygiene practices, then your dentist might recommend a scaling and root planing. Most people feel intimidated when they hear scaling and root planing for the first time. But it is nothing more than a non-surgical deep cleaning below the gum line, which helps in treating gum disease like periodontics.

Before you start searching for the best dentist that offers scaling and root planing in Michigan, here’s what you need to know about the procedure.

scaling and root planing in Michigan

What is scaling and root planing?

Scaling and root planing, commonly known as deep cleaning, is performed to remove plaque and bacteria at the early stages of gum disease. Once your dentist removes the bacteria and plaque, the next step is polishing your teeth to smoothen the surface and eradicate any stains. In this procedure, your dentist will not only remove tartar and plaque from the tooth surface but also below the gumline. Hence, it is called deep cleaning.

What are the benefits of scaling and root planing?
  • It is non-surgical and for some people, it may become necessary to undergo scaling and root planing.
  • Once the bacteria and plaque are removed, the tenderness in your gum and chronic tenderness will be reduced.
  • You will not only get rid of active infection in your mouth but also have breath that will feel fresher than before.
Who should undergo scaling and root planing?
Usually, a scaling and root planing procedure is recommended to individuals with signs of chronic periodontal disease. In this condition, the bacteria in plaque result in pulling the gums away from the teeth, which further causes the growth of large pockets between the gums and teeth. When it comes to scaling and root planing, this procedure can effectively eradicate plaque and bacteria and leaves your mouth healthy and infection-free.
In closing
Gum disease is preventable. With good oral hygiene and undergoing scaling and root planing in Michigan, you can definitely stop the fear of painful, chronic periodontal disease.

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