Showing posts with label Best Dental Implants Michigan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Dental Implants Michigan. Show all posts

Friday 16 July 2021

Why Dental Implants are the Right Fit for You?

 Tooth loss can happen to anyone and at any age. Fortunately, thanks to ever-advancing technology, there are many remedial approaches to fix such problems. Dentists come across many patients daily seeking a quick and natural-looking solution to the gap created by a missing tooth. Some opt to take the easier path of bridges and dentures. But, with rising awareness, people are choosing to get dental implants in Plymouth, and for the right reasons.

Dental implant Services Plymouth

If you are in a similar dilemma, the following are some reasons in favor of
dental implants:

  1. Comfort and Fit. Implants replicate the structure of your natural tooth. Since an implant takes root in your bone without any wire on other teeth, it feels completely natural. As an additional benefit, it doesn’t harm your surrounding teeth or pinches your tongue as it doesn’t need additional support.
  2. Oral Functions. Daily essential activities such as chewing and talking are severely affected when you lose a tooth. Unfortunately, dentures and bridges don’t help. However, there is no fear of slippage with good dental implant treatment in Michigan. It stands on its own, behaving as a natural tooth, helping you restore perfect speech and enjoy your favorite foods.
  3. Low Maintenance. After investing in dental implant services in Plymouth, there is essentially zero upkeep of your implants. As they need not be removed for cleaning or changing, a basic brushing-flossing routine is sufficient to maintain an implant. As an added benefit, you’re free from worries of cavities as implant material cannot decay.
  4. Permanent Solution. Dental implants can last you for years to come. Owing to its compositional element – titanium, there are minimal risks of infection. An average dental implant treatment can guarantee to serve you for 20-25 years given you maintain good oral hygiene.

Most periodontics specialists in Plymouth, Michigan, recommend their patients to invest in dental implant services. It is a suitable treatment option for many patients not only due to its longevity but mainly due to its low-risk adaptability to the jawbone.

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Can dental implants affect face shape?

It might not seem that big of a deal when you lose a tooth. But as time goes by and the tooth is left untreated for a long time, the jawbone will start to shrink in that area. As the jawbone shrinks, it can visibly affect your jawline and spoil your face’s shape. So, if you have one or more missing teeth, it can visibly deteriorate your face’s appearance. However, dental implants are a great option to improve your face’s shape. Even if you have missing teeth for a long time, getting dental implants in Michigan can he

Best Dental Implants Michigan

lp restore your face’s shape. Dental implants are very effective in keeping your jawbone strong. Therefore, it is best to consult with a dental specialist for the best dental implants in Michigan.

Here’s how dental implants can affect your face’s shape positively:

  • It can help reduce jowls, turkey neck, sunken cheeks, and other aging signs.
  • These can help the jawbone to stay strong and stop bone deterioration in the affected area.
  • Dental implants act as a natural tooth root that prevents the gums from shrinking and restores the face shape by restoring bone mass.
  • It provides a stimulus for bone growth where the bone was receding due to a missing tooth previously, making the jawbone appear healthy.
  • Dental implants do not feel foreign in the mouth. They act like a real natural tooth and does not get infected or deteriorated for a long time. Therefore, it helps patients eat anything they want and without restricting your diet. When you get the required nutrition, it also shows in your face. 
  • When you are not missing any teeth, you feel more confident in smiling, which automatically improves your face’s appearance.

Dental implants make your smile beautiful, improve your jawbone’s structure, restore your facial features, and boost your confidence and self-esteem. If you want to enhance your facial appearance with dental implants, we recommend consulting with our best dental implants doctor in Michigan. Getting dental implants is one of the best options for missing, damaged, or cracked teeth.

Get in touch with our experts at 734-459-4077 if you have any concerns or questions about dentalimplants in Plymouth, Michigan.

Thursday 15 October 2020

Here is How to perform Dental Implant Aftercare

It is shocking to note that an average American loses almost 12 teeth at fifty. This is why the number of dental implants’ patients is increasing at a rapid pace. Dental implants make your teeth look natural, and a person can enjoy having his favorite food, such as Chocolate and Ice cream. After getting the dental implants, it is vital to give the aftercare to keep them healthy and make your smile look beautiful. Let us dive into some of the aftercare tips recommended by dental implants in Plymouth:

Dental Implants MIchigan

  1. Bleeding: You are likely going to experience a small amount of bleeding after the surgery. Try not to panic in such situations as it is quite normal post-surgery. In case excessive bleeding is taking place, try to bite the gauge pad for approximately 30 minutes. If the problem persists, don't hesitate and place the call to the dentist. Those who have got the dental implant on the upper jaw will experience nose bleeding, which is quite normal, and there is nothing to worry about.
  2. Diet: It is vital to take care of the diet after the surgery as the healing would take place faster. You need to take care of the following things :
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Avoid consuming anything solid until the anesthetic wears off.
  • Consume soft foods post-surgery
  • Try not to have the liquid from the area where dental work has been performed.


3. Oral Hygiene: Prevent germs and bacteria from entering the mouth by following proper oral hygiene. The following measures are recommended to you:

  • Avoid smoking as premature healing will be severely impacted due to it.
  • Don't use an electric toothbrush. Use a traditional one instead.
  • Consuming alcohol might affect the gums, so try to avoid it.
  • Try to choose the food from the opposite area of the mouth instead of the surgery area.


Follow these tips and provide your dental implants the right care to make them last longer. If you are looking for experts in dental implants in Michigan, choose someone carrying years of experience.


Monday 28 September 2020

How can you afford dental implants in Michigan?

If you don’t already know, dental implants are the best options to replace missing, damaged or injured teeth. Those days are gone when this option was only accessible by very wealthy and well-to-do people. Today, almost anyone can get the best dental implants in Michigan, Plymouth. 

However, many people are still unaware of this. Thus, they continue to put off undergoing dental implant procedure due to cost. If you are one of these people, you would be glad to know that there are many ways to afford dental implants today without breaking the bank. 

Best Dental Implants Michigan

So how dental implants are more affordable these days? 

Well, there are many factors that impact the cost of your implants. Yet, the good news is, you can also get dental implants if your dentist recommends them. Let’s face it, the perks and life-long enjoyment of getting the procedure done far outweigh the cost involved. 

In fact, dental implants are a smart investment that helps you replace your missing or damaged teeth as well as enhance your quality of life. 

Here are some variables that affect the cost of dental implants. 

The number of implants required 

Of course, if you only need one dental implant, the cost involved will be far less as compared to getting multiple implants. If your dentist recommends more than one implant, you can expect the cost to increase significantly.  

The type of dental implant you choose

Today, dental implants are made of all kinds of materials and designs. For instance, titanium implants are the best quality implants. Zirconium implants are yet another good quality implants but cost higher than the titanium implants. However, zirconium is less durable than titanium.  

Additional procedures required with implants

There are certain people who may need additional procedures along with implants. For instance, if your jawbone is weak and cannot hold an implant, you may have to undergo a bone graft procedure. Consequently, the cost will skyrocket.   

Options to afford the best dental implants in Michigan, Plymouth 

Dental insurance 

Even though insurance is often the first resort to get a particular dental surgery, most people don’t even know whether their insurance company covers dental implants in the policy or not. If you don’t know whether your dental insurance policy covers dental implants or not, you can talk to your dentist directly. Dental practices such as Advanced Periodontics often have a team of insurance coordinators who can deal with your insurance company and help you get insurance benefits. 

Establishing payment plans 

If you need a flexible payment plan, you may opt for an open account payment plan. It allows you to make the payment over three equal installments over a period of time. You have to make the first payment when the first appointment is scheduled, the second when you get the treatment, and the third has to be made at the post-operative visit. 

Care Credit 

Care Credit is a popular financing option that allows you to afford dental implants. It makes it easier to afford out-of-pocket dental care expenses. 

The best way to know how you can afford dental implants is to talk to your dentist. Dental practices offer a variety of different options to help their patients afford dental care when they need it. 


Wednesday 16 September 2020

Questions to Ask Before Getting into Dental Implant Procedure

 You saw the picture of your favorite celebrity crush on a social media platform. A thought popped up in your mind - what makes these celebrities and models look so appealing and beautiful. Many have not applied a lot of makeup even though they look ravishing. It is their flashy pearls that make them look so good on screen. Missing teeth impedes the beautiful smile of a person and lowers morale. People make fun of such individuals. You can make your teeth look natural with the help of experts performing the best dental implants in Michigan. If you are getting the dental implants for the first time, ask these questions from the experts :


Best Dental Implants Michigan

  • Is a dental implant right for me?

There are a plethora of dental treatments available in the market besides dental implants. The main reason why people prefer dental implants is that it makes their teeth look natural. All it needs is healthy gums and jaws to support them. The experts performing the best dental implants in Michigan will conduct certain tests to determine whether you are a suitable candidate or not. They would also take your medical history into account before the surgery.


  • How lengthy is the process?

Placing a single implant would take half an hour. It would take 3 to 6 months for the implant to fuse with the jaw bone. The periodontist having experience in performing the best dental implants in Michigan will determine whether the implant has healed or not.


  • How long do dental implants last?


With proper dental care, these implants last for a lifetime. Proper hygiene includes brushing and similarly flossing the teeth as you would perform with the natural teeth. The periodontist would recommend certain measures that can retain your implants procedure successfully.


Try to have a word with professionals performing the best dental implants in Plymouth and ask them. It would give you the clarity of whether you should spend your hard-earned money on it or not. Dental implants are a perfect solution for your missing teeth and bring back your beautiful smile.

Thursday 3 September 2020

Dental Implants vs Bridges - Which is better?

Losing teeth at a certain age is considered good as new ones will come in its place. However, when you lose teeth during adulthood, your smile gets hampered to a great extent. Missing teeth also put a dent on your appearance. It becomes an impediment while she is climbing the ladders of success. Opting dental implants or bridges can resolve these issues. If you are confused between the two, experts offering the best dental implants in Michigan can help you choose the right surgery.

What is a dental implant?

 The underlying structure of the tooth is way more complicated than most people think. It includes bone, ligaments, and nerves that start deteriorating along with the teeth. The entire structure is replaced with a metal post made of Titanium. After a couple of months, the formation of new bone takes place around the implanted metal. After performing certain tests, the new structure is declared secure, and a crown is sealed at the top of the implant and screwed into place. Best dental implants in Plymouth will inform you about the complications associated with the process before performing the job on you.

Pros of dental implants 

The main advantage of dental implant surgery is that they place less stress on the areas surrounding the teeth. Bone healing becomes fast with dental implants. All you need is reliable periodontics carrying years of experience in dental implants in Plymouth. The high-quality dental implants are meant to last for a lifetime. Under the recommendation of the dentist, you must follow proper oral hygiene to prevent such issues from taking place.

What is a dental bridge?

 Two teeth from opposite ends are shaved down to form a bridge. A cap is placed on the tooth along with the bridge to replace the teeth that are missing. These days dentists prefer Maryland Bridge or winged that is embedded into the neighboring teeth. They are an effective way to replace the missing teeth. One of the biggest demerits is that they place a more significant strain on surrounding areas and hardly last for a lifetime. People don't prefer such treatments that do not yield long-lasting results.

Once you have got adequate information about the process, it will be easy for you to choose the one that matches your needs. Before getting into any dental procedure, always choose someone giving the best dental implants in Plymouth.