Thursday, 12 August 2021

What No One Tells You About Cosmetic Gum Surgery

Gum surgery is one of the best procedures to restore your smile. Cosmetic gum surgery in Livonia may be popular for its beautification and feature enhancement, however, the reason for undergoing the surgery may vary from patient to patient. While many people opt to get a cosmetic treatment done to improve their physical features, like the smile, others choose it to improve an oral health issue. 

Despite the multitude of benefits that cosmetic gum surgery brings, it also carries some risks that may be overlooked at times. So, here are a few risks as well as some benefits of cosmetic gum surgery that you should be aware of.

  • A gum contouring surgery or gingivectomy improves the look of the teeth by reshaping the gums. Some benefits that these procedures provide are the instant results which can be seen right after the procedure. In addition, the surgery doesn't take too long and is relatively painless. However, since there will be relative scarring with the tissue grafting, your teeth may be sensitive to hot and cold foods for a while.
  • One of the lesser-known risks of cosmetic treatments is the allergic reactions that may occur in some patients. As it is a surgical procedure, a local anesthetic is administered to numb the area. Unfortunately, some patients may not be able to accept the drugs used during the treatment and may show some allergic reaction to the medication administered. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with your surgeon first regarding any allergies you may have. 
  • A major benefit that most gum treatments provide is the reduced risk of periodontal diseases. When a gum grafting surgery is performed on a weakened tooth root, it prevents further deterioration of the gum and the tooth root. However, this procedure carries a minimal risk of gum relapse. Hence, it is vital for a successful treatment that your surgeon is prepared for any complication in case it arises. 

Cosmetic gum treatments in Plymouth are quite popular among the aging population who have suffered tooth loss due to periodontal disease. Advanced Periodontics’s experienced team of periodontists strives to provide comprehensive gum treatments for all dental problems helping you restore your natural teeth and a perfect smile. Call us to schedule a consultation.